Saturday, 27 August 2022

Concept of Social Responsibility of Business...

Social responsibility of business
Social responsibility of business 

Concept of Social Responsibility...

The concept of social responsibilities is fundamentally and ethical concept. It involves changing motions of human. welfare and emphasizes a concern about the social dimension of business activity that have a direct connection with quality of life is society. The concept provides a way for business to concern itself with these social dimension and pay some attention to its social impacts.
         The word responsibility employees that business organisations have some kind of obligation towards the society in which they function to deal with social problems and contribute more than just economic goods and services.

What Social responsibility of business means?

Social responsibility means obligations of the business persons to pursue those policies that help society in achieving its objectives and values This is an objective to which cannot be stated in as tangible terms as others and yet recent developments in our economy as well as other bring out its crucial importance.
   Conceptual social responsibilities refers to the businessman decision and actions taken for reasons at least partially beyond the firms direct economic or technical interest a somewhat broader view said that there obligation to pursue those policies, to make those decisions or to follow those line of action which are desirable in terms of the objectives and values of our society.
      By social responsibility we mean the intelligent and objectives concern for the welfare of society that restraints individual and corporate behaviour from ultimately destructive activities no matter how immediately profitable and leaves in the direction of positive contributions to human betterment .

Social responsibility refers to the obligations of businessman  to pursue those policies to make those decision or two follow those lines of action which are desirable in terms of the objectives and values of our society.

Why should business be socially responsible?

Why should the business come forward and be responsible towards these interest group these are the following:-

i) Public Image -the activities of business towards the welfare of the society earn goodwill and reputation for the business the earning of business also depend upon the public image of its activities.

2) Government Regulation-to avoid government regulations businessmen should discharge their duties volunteerly for example if any business firm pollutes the environment it will naturally come under strict government regulation which may ultimately force the firm to close down its business instead the business firm
 should engage itself in maintaining a pollution free environment.

3) Survival and Growth -Every business is a part of the society. So for its survival and growth ,support from the society is very much essential. Business utilise the available resources like power ,water, land ,roads etc of the society so it should be the responsibility of every business to spend a part of its profit for the welfare of the society.

4) Employee Satisfaction -Besides getting a good salary and working in a healthy atmosphere employees also expect other facilities like proper accommodation, transportation ,education and training. The employer should try to fulfill all the expectation of the employees because employee  satisfaction is directly related to the productivity and it is also required for the long term prosperity of the organisation for example- if business spend money on training of the employee it will have more efficient people to work and does earn more profit.

5) Consumer Awareness -now a days consumer have become very conscious about their rights. They protest against the supply of inferior and harmful products by forming different groups. This has made it obligatory for the business to protect the interest of the consumer by providing quality products at the most competitive price.
Business talk about social responsibility

Social responsibilities of a business..

a) Consumers: A business enterprise as the responsibility of providing the goods and other services needed by the community at the most reasonable possible prices. It must guard against adulteration ,poor quality, lack of service and courtesy to consumers misleading and dishonest advertising etc. The consumer also need protection against Monopoly and restrictive practices such protection can be provided best if business learns to play it's part with fairness and liberalism.

b) Natural environment -Responsibility for protecting the natural environment includes judicious use of natural resources energy conservation abatement of polluting emissions and waste management.

c) Employees-Responsibility towards employee welfare includes providing fair compensation and benefits and safe work environment ,eliminating discrimination, providing opportunities for personal and professional development and having progressive human resources policies.

d) Government agencies -Responsibilities towards local state and Central Government agencies include fulfilling obligations under regulations and statues of these agencies cooperating in Planning and investigations and coordinating administrative activities with these agencies.

e) Community -Responsibilities to the public or communities where the corporation has operations include providing economic stability ,safeguarding public safety, protecting the environment and aiding in the development of social  and cultural resources of the community through corporate philanthropy.

f) Media -Responsibilities towards the media include being cooperative and truthful about issues that affect public welfare.

Recruitment Overview...


Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs in an organization. The function of recruitment is two fold:-

1) to discover the sources of men power to match job requirements and specifications.

2) to attract n educate number of prospective employees to permit meaningful selection of the required personal.
     Recruitment AIIMS at securing as many qualified applications for job as possible so as to decrease the hiring searching sources for applicants may be internal and external.

Internal Sources.

The internal sources of recruitment include personal already in an organisation. Recruitment from internal sources so as to fill up vacancies by transfer, promotion or re-hiring previous employees.

Advantages of internal sources are:-

1) selection and placement of existing employees are simple and economical.

2) the employer is in a better position to appraise the skill and capability of present employees accurately.

3) it improves employee moral as internal promotion provide opportunities for advancement.

4) it promotes loyalty among the employees.

5) persons already employed can be easily inducted and trained for new jobs.

Internal Sources suffers from certain drawbacks.

a) it places is very heavy responsibility on management of systematic evaluation of the employees past performance.

b) promotion purely based on merit sometimes lead to employee unrest and adversely affect moral.

c) for new jobs the educate number of applicants may not be available so as to ensure fair selection.

d)Past sincerity and ability of the employee do not guarantee that they will be actually competent and loyal in performing the future responsibilities it is therefore
 necessary to evolve some goods and objective system of employees merit evaluation and rating.
External Sources of Recruitment

External Sources..

The sources lie outside the organisation and usually include.

I   Person introduces and recommended by present and former employees or trade unions.

II. Employment exchanges and private employment agencies.

III. Open advertisements.

IV.   Educational technical and professional institutions

V.    Contractors and jobers.

VI.    Get hiring of unskilled workers  who   itself comes to organisation.

VII.   Casual applicants.

VIII. Temporary or badly workers.

Encouraging present employees to recommend candidates for employment helps management both in finding suitable candidates and in maintaining Goodwill among employees but this may also encourage family colleagues and inner circle of close friends in general external recruitment through open advertisement provides a wide scope for selection from among large number of candidates with requisite skill and competents. It proves to be most useful for filling up managerial positions requiring technical and professional qualifications.

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