Monday, 20 July 2020

Indifference Curve

Indifference Curve..

An indifference Curve shows the various combinations of two commodities which gives equal satisfaction and utility to the consumer.Consumer remains indifferent between all the combinations because all the combination give him equal satisfaction.
  Indifference schedule and indifference curve..
Indifference Curve schedule
Indifference Curve figure...

According to the figure in ox axis x commodity is shown and in oy axis Y commodity is shown Ram purchase only 1unit of x commodity and purchase 15 units of Y commodity after then he increase the purchase of x units upto 2 units so he give up 5 units of Y because his level of satisfaction remains unchanged whatever combination he choose,again he increase x units by 1 more unit he have to give up Y commodity by 2more ..due to limited resources he cannot able to purchase both the commodity,to increase x commodity he have to give up Y unit.Consumer remains indifferent between all the combinations because all of these combinations give same satisfaction and utility to the consumer.

Indifference Map

When many indifference curves are shown in one figure is called Indifference Map.
In indifference Map every indifference Curve shows the various combinations of two commodities which gives equal satisfaction and utility to the consumer.In Indifference Map higher indifference Curve gives higher satisfaction that's why consumer prefer combinations of higher indifference Curve because in this combination consumer gets higher satisfaction and utility .for eg in fig of Indifference Map the curve IC1gives higher satisfaction and utility compare to IC2and IC3 and second highest satisfaction gets in IC2 curve and third is IC3..

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