Tuesday, 16 February 2021

Communication Network techniques..


Communication Network techniques

Communication Network means pattern of communication which exists in organisation, pattern of communication depends upon need of organisation & attitude of superior towards subordinates.

1) Chain Network- Chain Network communication is one in which communication flow in a vertical line.It is usually two way communication.In this network communication flow from top to bottom and bottom to top in vertical line.In this network one cannot directly contact with other.
Communication Network
Chain Network

2) Circular Network-Circular Network is that network in which communication flow in a circular way.In this network communication pass through immediate right or left person not any other person.According to figure A can communicate with B and E not C.B can communicate with C and A.etc.In this network communication flow in circular form.
Communication Network
Circular Network

3)Wheel Network or Star Network-Wheel or Star Network is that network in which organisation do not communicate directly.they communicate with one superior or manager, Manager act as a central hub of the wheel.for eg- D can  communicate with B with the help of central hub they can not communicate directly ,A can communicate with C with the help of central hub (manager or supperier)..
Communication Network
Wheel or Star Network.

4) Free Flow or decentralised Network-In this network communication flow freely,there is no        restriction on the flow of communication.Members can communicate any other member freely.This is informal Network which not flow in formal lines .

Formal &Informal Communication 

Formal Communication
Formal Communication is that communication Network in which communication flow in formally established channels.In formal Communication communication travels in lines of authority like top to bottom & bottom to top.it is established by the Management and whole organisation must follow this formal chain in communication.

Informal Communication

Informal Communication
 Communication is that communication network which is not flow in formally established lines .it is not regulated by the formal rules and procedures.it is flow in any direction it is not establish by management.it is establish by the nature of people to socialise and communicate with others like Grapevine

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