Friday, 16 October 2020

Controlling Management function..



Controlling is most important function of management.In this function Target results are compared with actual results,it helps in measuring the performance towards achieving organisational goals and highlight the deviations and then take corrective action.In this function check the performance or progress in achieving goal if there is any deviation manager control their actions.
           In order to achieve planned results from the subordinates manager control over the activities of the subordinates.Controlling also ensures that resources of organization are being used efficiently and effectively.
                    Thus Controlling is...

1) Goal Oriented Activity

2) It ensures activities perfom according to our plans.

3)It ensures resources are fully utilised.

4)It evaluates the performance.

5)It helps in find deviation in performance or progress.

6)It helps in future planning.

Steps of Controlling...

a) Establishing standard-First and foremost step is set up target which we want to achieve to meet organisational goals, standard are fixed in qualitative and quantitative terms,in qualitative terms standard are fixed of quality and in quantity.

b) Measuring of actual performance-Next step of controlling is measuring actual performance it means how much we get our target . Manager measures the Performance of every department of organization.

c) Comparison between actual results and standard results-In this step controlling manager compare actual results with standard results ,it means whether we succeed in achieving our target or not,there is any fault in actual quality , quantity etc.

d) Taking corrective action-After doing comparison between standard results and actual results,if there is any deviation manager takes corrective action means makes plan for future improvement.If there is any deviation in quantity of product manager makes improvement by making plan.

Relationship between Planning and Controlling...
Although Planning and Controlling are two different functions but they are closely related with each other.Without planning controlling has no use because first we make standard in planning function and then we make comparisons between standard results and actual results in controlling function.If there is no planning there is no destination ,then controlling function cannot works.
          Thus, planning and Controlling are interrelated function goals of organization are set in planning and performance measure in Controlling, means success and failure decide in controlling but base of measure is set in planning, Planning and Controlling are interdependent on each other.
Controlling measure Performance.

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