Doing continously same job in a company employees become boredom and monotonous and it leads to increase in labour turnover and also employees are unhappy and demotivated .So in order to remove boredom and monotonous among employees towards their job manager follow these two techniques these are:-
1) Job Enlargement
2)Job Enrichment.
Job Enlargement...
Job Enlargement means increase the tasks of same type which requires same skill.In job enlargement responsibility also increases but the level of position is remains same .It is the technique of making job interesting and reduce boredom of employees towards work .In job Enlargement various other tasks of same type is given to employees ,it means horizontal expansion of job,it increase the responsibility of employees because before he had to finish one tasks but after job Enlargement he had to complete various tasks of same type .
For example:-Employee A working in Accountant work in production department now he assigned for accounts works in sales and marketing department his job is enlarged .
Points to be noted ππ..
* Additional tasks of same type is added in job .
*Responsibility is increased.
*Level of position is remains same.
*No extra skills is required.
*Horizontal expansion of job.
*It is a technique of making job interesting.
*It helps in reducing boredom of employees towards his job.
Advantages of Job Enlargement...
1) Diversification in Job-Various tasts are added in job so their is diversification in job.
2) Reduce boredom- By adding additional tasks in job employees cannot be bored so it reduces boredom .
3) Satisfaction and Happy- By adding variety of tasks in job ,employees are satisfied and happy.
4) Complete Freedom- Employees have full freedom in job enlargement to perform various tasks according to their own .
5) Increase Productivity- By assign various tasks to employees , employees are very happy and satisfied so the productivity of production is increases.
6)Cost Reduce-When the productivity is increases cost is reduce.
7) Moral increases-By job Enlargement morale of employees is increases because employees are satisfied and happy so ultimately moral is increases.
Disadvantages of Job Enlargement...
1) Not all the jobs can be enlarged.
2)All the employees cannot be happy by job Enlargement.
3) Responsibility increases.
4) Position level is remains same.
5) Overburden of Work.
6) Stress among employees due to more work.
Job Enrichment..
Job Enrichment means where different tasks or responsibilities assign to employees which requires more skills.In job Enrichment job becomes more challenging ,it increase the position of employees,it motivates the employees.It enhance the quality of employee .it is vertical increase in job by giving more responsible job of high level .In Job Enrichment variety of tasks are given to employee which requires higher skills. Job Enrichment leads a personal growth of employees.For Example:-A is clerk in bank after job Enrichment he assign the job of Probationary officer ,he requires higher skills to perform duties of Probationary officer,he is highly motivated,his job becomes more challenging.
Points to be noted...
π Variety of tasks is assigned to employee.
π Requires higher skills & knowledge.
π Position level is increase.
πJob Enrichment leads to personal growth.
π Employees are highly motivated.
πJob becomes challenging.
πIt is vertical expansion of job.
Advantages of Job Enrichment...
1) Reduce boredom and monotonous of employees towards his job.
2) Position level is increased.
3) Employees are highly motivated.
4)Job Enrichment results are always positive.
5) Employees skills are increased
6) Employees become more responsible.
7) Employees morale increases due to high position.
8)Reduce in absenteeism, labour turnover.
Disadvantages of Job Enrichment...
1) Overburden of Work .
2)Extra skill is required.
3)Lack of knowledge of new job.
4) Responsibilities increases.
5)Frastration in Employee.
6) Employees become demotivate due to Overburden of Work.
7) Absenteeism, labour turnover is increases due to more work.
How can Job be Enriched?
Job can be Enriched in these ways...
1)Job can be Enriched by giving work of higher level.
2)Job can be Enriched by giving new skills and knowledge.
3) Job can be Enriched by upgrade the position of employees.
4)Job can be Enriched by giving more responsibility and power .
5)Job can be Enriched by giving different tasks to employees.
Thus,Job Enlargement and Job Enrichment both are the techniques used to make job interesting reduce boredom and monotonous among employees towards his job but all the employees can not be happy they become frustrated due to heavy work load and demotivate towards his job, because all the employees are not same, some employees like challenging job ,high position ,more work etc but some employees not like challenging job , heavy work load they only want to complete their previously assigned work they don't like change.
Difference between Job Enlargement and Job Enrichment...
a) Job Enlargement is assigning extra tasks and duties to employees.
a)Job Enrichment is assigning tasks of higher level
b) In Job Enlargement extra skills is not required.
b)In Job Enrichment extra skills and knowledge is required.
c) Job Enlargement is horizontal expansion of job.
c)Job Enrichment is vertical expansion of job.
d)In Job Enlargement position level is not change.
d) In Job Enrichment position level is change.
e) Job Enlargement various tasks of same type is given to employees.
e)In Job Enrichment various tasks of higher skills and knowledge is given to employees.
f)In Job Enlargement authority is not given to employees.
f) In Job Enrichment authority is also given to employees.